October 14, 2018

Save it for Sunday | 10.14.18

The Highlights

Every Halloween in our neighborhood we participate in anonymously "boo-ing" another family. Basically you put together a fun basket of treats, toys, or drinks if they request to be boozed instead of booed and leave the surprise on your assigned neighbor's front porch on an October night. I always enjoy putting a basket together, and this year Eloise loved getting to participate in the sneaky delivery. Brad insisted on mission impossible music playing in our getaway minivan, and it totally set the mood. On Wednesday night the kids and I were playing in the backyard before dinner when the doorbell rang. I knew I didn't have any online shopping due to be delivered (shocker) so I started filming thinking maybe we had been booed. And holy moly were we ever. The boo to end all boo's! The boo jackpot! The kids were surprise and thrilled, and it took us the rest of the evening to go through our goodies. Even the fur babies received treats and toys. It felt incredible to be the recipient of such generosity! I love when a neighborhood community comes together to make a special time of year even better. The kids ate marshmellow candy corn treats after dinner while we sipped our pumpkin hard ciders.

Thursday was picture day at preschool for Eloise. If you have ever asked a 3 year old to say cheese you know that the outcome is extremely variable. You either get an adorable grin or something that looks like a painful grimace. Totally hit or miss. We practiced all week leading up to the big day, but who knows how it went. The control freak mom in me wanted desperately to be there to smooth stray hairs and coax a genuine smile out of her, but I guess the letting go of it all is what makes school pictures so epic. The first picture day just felt like a really big deal. They are are either super cute or hilariously awkward to look back on, and I am excited to see the first of many come home in her backpack at the end of the month. Until then, here is a little preview I snapped at home before school. I cannot get over how grown up she is looking these days. And where can I buy her outfit in my size?

Last weekend we went to Aspen with our neighbors and friends Jenna and Jorden. I met Jenna originally as our babysitter who conveniently lives about four houses down from us. The kids grew to absolutely adore her, and so did I. She is just as phenomenal of a friend as she is a caregiver. We decided on a weekend trip to Aspen to see the fall colors, and boy did we time it just right. The morning we hiked Maroon Bells just so happened to be the first day the mountains had snow so we got the gorgeous bright yellows and oranges with snow capped peaks as our backdrop. It was stunning. Pictures do not do it any justice. The rest of our trip was spent exploring downtown Aspen and hanging together at our AirBnb at a Snowmass resort. Highlights were watching Eloise swim at the club pool, quickly making friends and playing marco polo with a fellow tiny guest. Even Harvey would pipe in with a random marco or polo every so often. While on the trip Harvey also learned how to say Jenna, or I should say, "Jenja". One morning he woke up, booked it straight down the hallway toward Jenna and Jorden's room shouting "JENJA! JENJA! JENJA!" There were plenty of hot apple ciders consumed, fires made, miles hiked, family dinners eaten, and laughs shared. It was definitely one of our favorite Colorado weekends to date.

The Small Moments

Tuesday during preschool Harvey and I went to the zoo with friends. I do believe this was our first trip without sissy, and it was delightful. Two of the wallabies became Harvey's best pals. In my many trips to this zoo I have never seen them bounce right up to anyone the way these two did. I was a little worried at one point the baby wallaby, Poppy, was going to pop right into the stroller with him. Harvey obviously loved it and giggled the entire time. On Thursday as just a duo, we went to a park with friends, ran some errands, and enjoyed a lunch date together. My little man was so handsome all bundled up on a chilly morning, and he enjoyed his Starbucks steamed milk as much as mama enjoyed her warm caffeinated beverage.

I accidentally taught Eloise to yodel. It was funny at the time. Not so funny when she yodeled at the top of her lungs from bed through her entire quiet time. Jokes on me I guess. I will consider the ramifications of my actions next time I decide to teach my children an obnoxious talent. She revealed her new hobby to Dadford at dinner and even Harvey chimed in. Now out of the blue he sings "hee hoo!" and it is my favorite thing on this planet.

For three weeks now Brad and I have been getting up every morning and alternating between Kayla Itsine's workout plan and a 3.5 mile neighborhood walk with the kids. The basement workouts are pure torture, but I really look forward to our morning walks. Even though we are up before the sun to squeeze them in before school/work/errands/dance/what have you, it has become a favorite part of our day. The kids enjoy getting bundled up and eating a special breakfast on the go. I enjoy the hour of quality conversation with my favorite man before we head in opposite directions for a busy day ahead. We recently sold our double stroller and purchased a Keenz 7S Stroller Wagon. HIGHLY recommend it if you are looking to switch.

The Ways We Grew

Harvey is just a grown man now. My friends, who all have little girls, affectionately dubbed him Grandpa Harv. This week he has decided he will walk everywhere. If I try to carry him into a store he demands, "Big boy! Walk!" We move at about a snails pace, but I love his newfound independence. He has also discovered his singing voice (beyond the yodel). Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Wheels on the Bus, and Row Row Row Your Boat are his specialties. They come out as "twinkle twinkle staaaaar" and "allll throooough toooown, swish swish, beep beep" and "boaty dream". Harvey has also been dabbling in the big boy swing life. Eloise loves to push him and is very gentle and deliberate in keeping him safe.

Eloise got to be line leader plus bring snack and show and tell this Thursday at school. Her teacher mentioned most kids have brought a toy to share. Not Eloise. No matter how many stuffed animals I suggested, she insisted on bringing her Petoskey stone collection from Michigan. I loved her enthusiasm for something she finds magical and the Michigan blood that clearly runs through our Tennessee girl. She has also found recent joy in trading helmets with Brad. He can even rock a Nemo helmet. Is there anything Dadford can't do?! Other small Eloise oddities are an obsession with laundry and sunny spots. She would sit and watch a load spin for the entire cycle if we let her. There is really not much more to say about it, I just think it's adorable and don't ever want to forget it. And yes she is naked under that blanket. When you are three years old and think you are a cat, you do what you want.

The Witt-isms

"How many times am I going to have to ask you to sit down at the table?" -me
"Maybe five." -Eloise

I leave you with two very important images. The first because Brad sent it to me from work and it makes me smile literally every time I see it. And the second because what a victory yesterday! GO GREEN!

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