February 10, 2019

Save it for Sunday | 2.10.19

The Highlights

On Super Bowl Sunday we got to meet the newest member of our Army family. Our friends Harrison and Rose welcomed their daughter and second born last week. Usually I am only in attendance at Super Bowl events for the food and halftime show, but this time it was all for Mary. I cannot think of a better way to spend the time pretending I care about the game than snuggling this sweet girl. She and I discussed the importance of chips and queso and Adam Levine together. It was a night very well spent. I am very much looking forward to watching this little lady grow during our time together at the mountain post.

I am seriously getting a little jealous of the number of dates Eloise has gotten to go on with Dadford lately. Friday night they attended Fort Carson's daddy-daughter dance, and the way Eloise looked at Brad when he came downstairs in his uniform was definitely a prince charming, knight-in-shining-armor moment. I think it was the same heart eyes I still have for him every time I see him in his dress blues. The way she came bouncing back in the house wearing a purple crown bubbling over with excitement about cupcakes and pink balloons and new friends said it all. I think they had a good time. I promised Harvey he will get his man date with daddy very soon.

The Small Moments

Harvey is obsessed with school buses. He named the beloved yellow bus from the wooden vehicle set my mom got him last year for Christmas Lulu, and we do not go anywhere without her. He has another pull back bus that is named Bus (original) who plays second fiddle to Lulu. He will accept Bus if we can't find Lulu. On our trip to Breckenridge a few weekends ago, the kids each got to pick out a toy from the toy store. Eloise picked a little hot pink Ferrari. Harvey picked a school bus with monster truck wheels. I can only imagine his glee someday when he gets to ride a real life Lulu. His sweet, silly obsession is something I don't ever want to forget.

Fifteen months we have been in this home now, and we finally got both of our college diplomas on the wall! Our master bedroom here is huge and even has a little office corner. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears at West Point and nursing school went into those beauties, and for some reason we have neglected to get them up at our previous posts. It is a small thing, but I am so glad to see them in a place of honor now. We also mixed in a few new truck prints for Harvey's big boy room with a few of the baby animal prints from his nursery. The other three animal prints went to my friend Lindsey from our time at Fort Campbell. Lindsey and her husband are now fostering babies and wanted to create a sweet space for them. I love the way the new prints mix with the nostalgia of the old, and I love thinking of all the smiles the others will continue to bring on the littlest faces.

Finding a new, trustworthy and talented hair stylist is probably my least favorite part about moving so often. I still had not found my person here. In fact, last year I tried and miserably failed. I did a ton of research and paid a ton of money for what should have been top quality service. Well, she over processed and fried the top layer of my hair. Many tears have been shed over the chunks of broken off hair all over my head, but I finally decided to put my brave pants back on and give someone else a try before our family pictures. Woah baby, did my hair ever need some serious TLC! Check out this embarrassing before and after. I am so glad I took another leap of faith. Colorado Springs friends, Kayla (should have known she was the best) at House of Color does incredible work and is a true artist. You won't regret booking an appointment with her.

The Ways We Grew

Is it possible that I can admit my precious baby boy is not without flaw? Oh boy, did that boy ever test me this week. At dance class on Wednesday he stayed right in the doorway and did this total stinker grin back at me until I turned my head for two seconds to talk to another mom. And then he would zoom right into the studio! Stomping and laughing through all the little girls in pink tutu's practicing pirouettes and pointed toes. After class he said, "Mommy sad. Harvey naughty." He also discovered how to unplug the baby monitor in his room this week. So there is that. Once I knew he had given up the nap fight, I snuck in to plug it back in and this is what I found:

Also this week he continues to love to put his dishes in the sink and help me clean the table after meals. He also has a newfound love of throwing away his own dirty diapers. Also smile on command now too. Well, it is some form of a smile I suppose. It is a very scrunched, squinty eyed, clenched teeth Harvey version of a grin, and the first time he did it a few times in a row I cried I laughed so hard. Clearly it is a bittersweet kind of love with my Harvey man this week. Getting smarter every day and certainly keeping me on my toes and laughing!

On Thursday we attended our first parent-teacher "conversation" for Eloise. Apparently they are no longer conferences, they are conversations. It was heart warming to hear her teachers talk about what a joy she is to have in class. They said she is a vibrant, life-loving little girl in a classroom of shy students. She is always the first to volunteer, never afraid to try new things, and, in their opinion, a natural born leader. All things we already knew, but it was still fun to hear someone else dote on her the way we do. She is ahead of her age group in all of the preschool knowledge and skills. She is the only one in her class who consistently insists on writing her own name on her work and does it legibly. My proud mom heart could burst.

The Witt-isms

Pointing to the Old Navy storefront sign:
"Does that say Beat Navy?" -Eloise

"What am I made of?" -Eloise
"Cells." -Me
"Also bones." -Eloise
"True! And muscles too. You are so smart." -Me
"WANT TO SEE MY MUFFLES?!" -Eloise, flexing

Playing eye spy on a family walk:
"I spy with my little eye something that is white." -Eloise
.02 seconds pass
"I'll give you a hint." -Eloise
0.05 seconds pass
"Rocks." -Eloise

"We can never run out of love." -Eloise

"Zooooom. Beeeeep. Chugga chugga." -Harvey, all day, every day

"I love you! I so proud a you!" -Harvey

Looking Ahead

Nana and Mickey visit | 4 days --- Along with our weekend getaway comes a visit from our babysitters, Brad's parents, also known as Nana and Mickey. They will be watching the kids while we sneak away for two nights. We are looking forward to having them here. They haven't seen the house since Christmas 2017. A lot has changed!

Eloise's labs | 8 days --- It feels weird to look forward to yet another blood draw for Eloise, but I am looking forward to finding out where we stand with her levels now. We have seen a small improvement since her last dose adjustment, but my mom gut says there will be another one coming next week. We shall see. Every poke is one step closer to getting my girl feeling like herself again.

Care package planning --- Gotta seek out and cling to those silver linings where we can find them. I LOVE to plan and put together monthly deployment care packages. I think it will be even more fun now that Eloise and Harvey can help me plan themes, hunt for items, and decorate the box.

I hope you all have the happiest Valentine's week with the ones you love most!

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