July 29, 2018

Save it for Sunday | 7.29.18

Summer Throwback

Owens Family Visit (June 14-16, 2018)

The fact that Mark and Michelle flew all the way from Italy with a newborn and squeezed us into their first visit to show off their new baby deserves a standing ovation. We feel so blessed that our friendship is treasured by them just as much as theirs is by us. No matter how much time has passed, we always slip right back into such an incredibly happy groove with the Owens. It feels so much like family time with them. They swoon over and care for our kids as if they were their own, and you know perfect little Cole stole our hearts completely. One of my favorite moments of their visit happened right away. Brad's first time holding Cole during our first morning together, Cole slipped right into a peaceful morning nap in his arms without any bouncing, rocking, pacing, patting, shushing, or any effort at all. The smile on Brad's face was definitely an I've-still-got-it dad smile. While we ate breakfast he snuck away to the comfiest corner of the couch to catch a nap with Cole. The next day I got to embrace my own Cole snuggles. Harvey was a little miffed at the sight of me holding another handsome little man. Originally I had thought we might not get to meet Cole until he was a few years old, so this chance to bond was beyond anything we could have hoped for. 

We've been on so many Colorado hikes at this point that the details of them honestly start to blend together a bit. We chose a hike to take the Owens on that was probably a bit too challenging. The first two miles are basically straight uphill, but they totally rocked it! We were so proud of them. It turns out chocolate chips cookies at the top of a mountain taste even better shared with some of your best Army friends. Our five year wedding anniversary happened to fall during their visit too. The boys managed a sneaky detour on our way home from hiking to surprise me with a scrumptious, huge carrot cake. Brad specifically ordered Spartan colors, five layers to commemorate five years, and a snarky quote on top. As he so often reminds me, "I always have to go for the laugh." When I first read it I didn't get what was so funny about it. Maybe because I truly do consider myself a very lucky wife? Don't let the lack of a posted throwback wedding picture or sappy sentiment shared fool you. I am the happiest I have ever been in our marriage. Newlywed life is great, but it is the grit of a few years and some tough times under your belt that really shows you what you have to be thankful for. Brad is the best out there and he is all mine. I am not just a very lucky wife, I am the luckiest wife!

When we were all living in Missouri, Mark and Michelle were over at our house at least a few nights each week. They would help us with bath and bedtime, and we would enjoy dinner, a favorite TV show, piƱata construction, or board games together afterwards. Those who have been to Fort Leonard Wood know it is not about what is there (ahem, nothing) that creates your happiness, but it is all about who is there. Not even 5,000+ miles across an ocean could change the value of this friendship. It felt just like the good ole' Fort Lost in the Woods days. Not even a game defeat could bring us down. The rivalry is real. I'll get you next time, Mark! 

The Highlights

An ice cream truck has been making rounds in our neighborhood all summer, and of course Eloise has been dying to visit it, but the timing has just never been right. As we were putting shoes on for a walk I heard the ice cream truck jingle. I told Eloise to grab her money (Uncle Josh snuck her a $20 bill when he was here) but tried to prepare her big preschooler emotions by telling her it sounded like it might be driving away. As we were walking down the driveway the ice cream truck turned onto the street that runs straight into our house and headed right for us. The excitement could not be contained! I am pretty sure the driver could have seen her mega smile from miles away as she waved and wiggled. The Tweety Bird popsicle she chose was her second investment with the money from Uncle Josh, the first being lettuce to feed the giraffes at the zoo. She radiates pride when she gets to buy something with her very own money. The sweet driver got the biggest kick out of her and asked if she wanted to sit in the drivers seat and play the jingle. Day made. I love seeing the world through her eyes. Even the smallest joys are a big deal to her, and I think that is the way life is meant to be lived. We have so much to learn from these littles.

This was honestly the first week since our Michigan trip that we've felt nearly normal. Some of the best moments of our week were just being back with our friends. There is a new coffee and smoothie truck called Camp Coffee that parks at the entrance to our neighborhood every morning. It is run by two awesome moms, and it is divine. This week we loaded up the strollers and walked from our house to Camp Coffee. Mamas loaded up on caffeine and the kids all got smoothies, then we enjoyed our treats at the park. It was such a pleasant morning we are making it a once a week ritual. Even more friends are joining us this Tuesday, and I am already really looking forward to it. Camp Coffee is quickly looking like it might become the Colorado Springs version of our weekly "donut walk" stroller brigade I so loved in Missouri. On Saturday night Brad treated me to a girls night out. He said, "Woah, party animal!" as I walked through the door way past my usual mom bedtime. This was exactly my kind of party. Sweatpants, drinks, and desserts on the couch with good friends. A night perfectly spent. 

This last highlight is still a work in progress, but it is one I am excited about. We are officially on the hunt for a church home. I have been really eager to find a community we love, and my friend Courtney has been inviting us to join them at the church the love since May. It is too easy to find a million excuses to stay lazy on Sunday mornings, but we finally took her up on it today. The music and message was incredible, and the care and education for kids blew us away. It is much more of a modern, nondenominational service than Brad and I are used to, but I don't think we are ready to rule out something more this route yet. There were so many thought provoking points the pastor made that really hit home, so much so that I found myself wishing I had brought something to take notes. Eloise has shown a lot of interest in prayer and in the Bible stories lately. She made a megaphone craft in her class with the intention to shout God's word for all to hear. She has been bouncing around all afternoon belting, "Jesus loves you!" We went out to breakfast as a family afterwards, and we all agreed it was a really positive experience. I am looking forward to seeing how things blossom as we try a few more places and make a decision. 

The Small Moments

We have had the strangest weather here this week. Every single day has been an identical pattern of sunshine in the morning and big summer thunderstorms in the afternoon. I love thunderstorms so I have actually been really enjoying it, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree because Eloise does too. Her beloved rain boots have seen daily puddle jumping action this week. True to Harvey's character as we have noted so far, he is not a fan. Forever my sensitive, cautious dude. I think it is wild to see how siblings can have such different personalities. We can already tell each of them will take on and react to life in a totally unique way, and it will surely keep us on our toes. 

Every so often I like to lay my head on Eloise's chest as we are doing bedtime hugs, songs, and kisses. I love to hear her little heart beating. It amazes me every time. Well she finally thought to ask what her weirdo mom was doing. When I told her I was listening to her heart beat, she naturally asked to listen to mine. Now as a part of our bedtime ritual, we tell each other what our hearts sound like. That moment of stillness and quiet with her freshly washed curls on my chest is something I try to soak into the core of my memory bank. 

I used to be good at just spending the entire day at home. For some reason lately I need to fill our mornings. Afternoons are enjoyed here at home, but I get such an itch to get up, dressed, and out of the house in the morning. One day this week we went on a Barnes and Noble date. I love taking them just to read a stack of new books, plus ours has a great kids area with a stage, a huge train table, and plenty of tools for imaginative play. As we were leaving, I noticed Harvey had sneakily stashed a train in the stroller. I was beginning to explain to him that we don't steal what isn't ours (because you know 18-month-olds can totally comprehend these things) but stopped mid-lecture. To all of my mom friends of train loving little boys...how come nobody told me there is a Thomas the Train character named Helpful Harvey?! And how can I be mad at the dude for attempting theft on a train that literally has his name written on it? It was such a spooky coincidental moment that made me smile. We did put it back, as good samaritans do. I did add a full size Helpful Harvey toy to his Amazon Christmas wishlist as soon as we got home, as good moms do. 

The Ways We Grew

Eloise and her best pal Eef, our friends Meggie and Ian's son, have become pen pals since we moved apart. She created quite the masterpiece of stick figure Eloise and Eef to include in her latest letter. Out of the blue this genius child of mine writes her name. WRITES HER NAME! Just like that. She has been practicing tracing letters and connecting dots to form letters, but there has been no official free form letter writing up until this pivotal moment. Man is it cool to see them reach big intellectual milestones at this age. Also of note, she requests to take and thoroughly enjoys showers instead of baths now. Good grief, she is practically a teenager. 

Harvey shocked us all by walking up to the toilet one evening as we were prepping for bath time and demanded, "Poop. Potty." You better believe I sat him on that royal throne in a jiffy. He mostly just thinks its funny up there. And I made the mistake of letting him unwind the entire toilet paper roll once just to hear his belly laughs. Now it is of course his favorite pastime. In all seriousness I have heard boys and second borns are easier and earlier to potty train. Here's to hoping?

The Eloise-isms

"Excuse me." (After burping) "Oh my gosh. That was a Cheerio burp!"

"Look! It's a car on skis!" -- Every single time we pass a car dealership next to the highway that has a car elevated and tipped forward on a lift. 

"Mom, what is this song called?" -E
"Rhythm of love." -Me
"Who sings it?" -E
"The Plain White T's." -Me
"Oh. Sounds just like 'blackbird singing in the dead of niiiight'" -E
*Laughing hysterically* -Me
"That's a Beatles song, mom." -E

"Nooo! Someone was a litterbug!" -- Watching an empty pop can blow through a parking lot. She was hysterical and begged me to catch it so we could properly dispose of it. I did, which deserves a medal. Those of you who have experienced Colorado Springs wind know what I mean. 

And one Harvey-ism too for good measure this week:

"Pizza. Yummy." -- Atta boy.

Have a great week ahead!

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