September 29, 2014

Hey, Stranger!

Wow. To say I have neglected this blog would be a dramatic understatement. After looking back at my last post SEVEN months ago, I've determined the cause: work. Rather than drag on about all of the things that have happened in our lives, I will attempt to sum things up quickly.

1. We moved! I wrote way back in December about our new house we had just purchased. We are now all cozy in said house and frequently look around with our jaws on the ground in awe that we live here. Of course, we are still plugging along on our fair share of home improvement projects. I strongly suggest hanging laundry room cabinets with your spouse if you are on the hunt for a true test of the strength of your marriage.

Laundry Room Makeover: Before & After

2. I got a job! I began a new adventure as a Research Nurse at Vanderbilt's breast cancer clinic in Nashville. Research nursing is an entirely different world than my two years in acute care oncology. There are positives, like playing a small but important role in the completely fascinating and promising journey towards a cure. But honestly, the stationary desk time just really is not my cup of tea. Overall, it felt amazing to be back interacting with patients and great co-workers again at a place as renowned as Vanderbilt.

3.  We're expecting! Yes, you read that right. We found out on May Day 2014 that a mini Witt is joining us in January 2015! We had just reprogrammed our brains to focus on careers rather than babies after a few disappointing months when I landed my new job. Obviously our little one had a timeline all her own. It actually puts so much peace in my heart and mind knowing this little girl is absolutely meant to be ours at this exact time in our lives. I cannot wait to meet her, and feeling her dance around is simply the greatest (and freakiest!) joy I've ever experienced.

A smattering of the bump

4. Brad is deploying! Don't let the exclamation mark fool you, I am not in the least bit excited about this tid bit. Brad is headed to Afghanistan this fall for nine months as a platoon leader for a Sapper combat engineer platoon. Cue extremely proud wife moment. It is yet to be determined whether or not he will be given the chance to jet home to try to catch the birth of his daughter. We have good and bad days coming to terms with all of this, but ultimately this is the life we agreed to proudly live. I hope I will have the courage to face this first huge family sacrifice with grace, especially with a daughter depending on me to be strong for her too.

5. Hopes and plans! Our upcoming major life changes have led to the decision that I will transition into a new role: stay-at-home mom. I am excited about this opportunity but also nervous. Ever since we made the decision together, I have been brainstorming ways I can hold myself accountable for productivity. I do not want to fall into a bad habit of letting my creative drive go to waste. That being said, a few close friends and family members have fabulous instructional blogs of all sorts that I enjoy scouring for tips. I hope not only to continue to use my writing as an outlet for the happenings of our life but also to share fun crafts, recipes, style ideas, and all of the baby things I am learning (I apologize in advance). You can thank my lovely sister Whitney and friend and fellow Army wife Rose for this inspiration to share new things!

Consider yourself updated. Fingers crossed months don't go by before you hear from me again!

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